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How Much Does Car Insurance Cost in Fort Collins, CO?

Nestled against the backdrop of Colorado’s stunning Front Range, Fort Collins is a city where driving becomes an experience that seamlessly blends urban convenience with the allure of the great outdoors. Whether you’re navigating the city’s charming Old Town or heading out for a scenic drive through the Cache la Poudre Canyon, you’ll need car insurance.

How much can you expect local car insurance to cost in Fort Collins, CO?

Average Fort Collins Car Insurance Rates:

  • State Minimum Liability: You can expect to pay $53 a month or $632 a year.
  • Full Coverage: You can expect to pay $218 a month or $2,615 a year.

InsuranceQuotes cost rates are pulled from our real-time auto insurance database from recent quotes in your city – Rates are based on a used car driver who is single, middle aged & has a clean driving record. Read on to learn about the cheapest local rates filtered by insurance providers, new cars, vehicle types and age.

Fort Collins, CO Car insurance rates

Drivers should compare multiple car insurance coverage options that may be cheaper than the average rates – we will breakdown costs throughout this city guide. Knowing average auto insurance costs beforehand is helpful when using InsuranceQuotes to compare free local and national provider quotes.

Cheapest Car Insurance Providers in Fort Collins

Here is a breakdown of average costs from the cheapest local insurance providers near you from our data set of used-car drivers who are single, middle aged and have a clean driving record:

Insurance Company:Minimum Liability:Monthly:Full Coverage:Monthly:
Average Cost:
Insurance Company:
Minimum Liability:
Full Coverage:
State Farm$629$52$2,212$184
Average Cost:$632$53$2,615$218

Colorado Auto Insurance Rates by Age

Colorado will use age as a factor that influences your auto rates and quotes you receive. Younger drivers tend to face higher annual premiums compared to mature, more experienced drivers.

Statistics show that younger drivers, particularly teenagers and drivers in their early twenties, are more likely to be involved in accidents due to their limited driving experience and potential risky behavior on the road. Drivers older than 25 will see a significant drop in their auto policy costs as they are moved into the middle aged cost tier group for coverage.

* Full Coverage – Average Costs by Age:

* State Minimum Liability – Average Costs by Age:

Here is a full breakdown of the average costs for car insurance by age in Colorado:

Age:Minimum Liability:Monthly:Full Coverage:Monthly:

What are the Most Expensive Vehicle Types to Insure?

The type of vehicle you drive in Colorado will affect the overall costs of car insurance.

To determine how much you can expect to pay for your auto insurance based on vehicle type we averaged multiple cost quotes in CO and pulled data for vehicles such as a Toyota Camry, Chevrolet Bolt, BMW 4 Series, Honda CRV and Nissan Titan.

We pulled data from Colorado insurance policy cost records across multiple providers. Our table displays the average costs associated with vehicle types for state minimum vs. full coverage policies of a driver who is single, middle aged, has a clean driving record, for a used vehicle:

Vehicle TypeMinimum Liability:Monthly:Full Coverage:Monthly:

How Expensive is it to Insure a Brand New Car?

Drivers of brand new cars can often expect to pay more to insure their vehicles since they cost more to repair and have higher rates of theft. However, coverage is sometimes cheaper than older models of the same vehicle because of enhanced security features on newer models that lower your annual premiums.

We pulled insurance cost rates data for newer 2022-2023 vehicles below to give you an idea of the difference in coverage price for newer cars vs. used vehicles in Colorado:

Vehicle TypeMinimum Liability:Monthly:Full Coverage:Monthly:

How Much Does a Driving Record Violation Increase Insurance Costs?

Driving violations can have a significant impact on your car insurance costs in Colorado, as they indicate a higher level of risk to insurance providers. When you receive a driving violation, such as a speeding ticket or a DUI, your insurance company may consider you a higher-risk driver, which can lead to an increase in your insurance premiums for the foreseeable future.

Here is a breakdown of full coverage car insurance cost increases with driving violations:

Driving Violation:Minimum Liability:Monthly:Full Coverage:Monthly:

How Much Car Insurance Do I Need in Colorado?

In Colorado, auto insurance is mandatory and regulated by the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If you’re a driver in Colorado, your insurance policy must meet the following requirements:

  1. Bodily Injury Liability Coverage:
    • $25,000 per person for bodily injury.
    • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury if multiple people are injured.
  2. Property Damage Liability Coverage:
    • $15,000 per accident for property damage.

These minimum liability coverage amounts are the absolute minimum required by law in Colorado. However, it’s important to note that these minimums may not provide adequate protection in the event of a serious accident. Medical expenses and property damage can easily exceed these limits. In which case additional coverage may be needed:

Colorado is also a “fault” insurance state, which means that injured persons have multiple insurance options after an accident. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is not mandatory, but it can help you pay for medical bills if an accident was your fault.

The Colorado DMV also requires auto insurers to offer $5,000 in medical payment coverage. If you do not opt-out of this coverage, insurers automatically add medical payment coverage and its higher premium to your policy. Although it is not mandatory, medical payment coverage provides funds in an accident regardless of fault.

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