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Home Insurance in Lewiston, Maine

Understanding Home Insurance Costs in Lewiston

Lewiston, a city located inland, tends to have slightly lower home insurance costs than Portland. The average annual premium for homeowners in Lewiston is $1,485, which is still above the national average of $1,428 per year.

Local Factors Impacting Home Insurance Costs in Lewiston

Home Insurance Rates by Home Age in Lewiston

The age of the home is a critical factor in determining insurance rates in Lewiston.

Home AgeAverage Annual Premium
0-10 years$1,400
11-25 years$1,475
26-50 years$1,555
51+ years$1,700

Home Insurance Rates by Credit Tier in Lewiston

Here is a breakdown of the average costs by credit tier:

Cheapest Home Insurance Providers in Lewiston

Lewiston has a few affordable home insurance providers. Below are the average costs for the top providers:

ProviderAverage Annual Premium
State Farm$1,450
Liberty Mutual$1,540

Home Insurance Rates by Deductible Amount in Lewiston

Increasing your deductible can lead to significant savings on your premium.

Types of Homeowners Insurance in Lewiston

Additional Coverage Options

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Home Insurance in Lewiston

  1. Is flood insurance necessary in Lewiston? While Lewiston is not prone to coastal flooding, it may still be needed if you live near rivers or low-lying areas.
  2. How does my home’s age impact my insurance premium? Older homes tend to have higher premiums due to increased maintenance and repair costs.

Comparison of Home Insurance in Portland vs. Lewiston

Portland’s proximity to the coast and higher weather-related risks make it more expensive than Lewiston, which is further inland and experiences less severe weather.

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